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Tummy Time: The Joys of Gym Balls

If you’re always on the lookout for creative ways to support your baby’s development, you’re in for a treat! Today, we’re diving into the world of gym balls - a surprisingly effective tool that can turn tummy time into a delightful experience for both you and your little one.

What’s the Scoop on Tummy Time?

Tummy time is the practice of placing your baby on their stomach while they’re awake and supervised. It’s crucial for building strength in their neck, shoulders, arms, and back, supporting their breathing, developing their core muscles, vision, hearing and so much more! Plus, it forms the crucial building blocks for rolling, sitting, crawling and even walking!

Baby on a gym ball

Why Use a Gym Ball?

A gym ball can elevate tummy time from a routine to an engaging and beneficial activity. Here’s why:

  1. Boosts Muscle Development: The gentle, rolling motion of a gym ball stimulates your baby’s core muscles more effectively than a flat surface. This extra challenge helps them grow stronger and more coordinated.

  2. Enhances Balance and Coordination: The slight instability of the ball encourages your baby to work on their balance and coordination—skills that are crucial for milestones like sitting, crawling, and walking.

  3. Provides Sensory Stimulation: The movement and texture of the gym ball offer a rich sensory experience. The feel of the ball, combined with the visual and vestibular input, can be wonderfully stimulating for your baby.

  4. Adds Fun to the Routine: Babies love new experiences, and a gym ball makes tummy time more engaging and enjoyable. The bouncing and rocking can turn tummy time into a giggle-filled adventure!

Tummy time on a gym ball

Getting Started with Gym Ball Tummy Time

Ready to introduce the gym ball into your tummy time routine? Here’s how to do it safely and effectively:

  1. Choose the Right Ball: Choose a gym ball that’s appropriate for your baby’s size. For newborns, a smaller ball is ideal - in class, I use a 45cm ball, but you can use yours from pregnancy if it's still kicking around the house. Make sure it’s properly inflated - firm but not too hard.

  2. Find a Safe Spot: Place the ball on a non-slip surface and ensure there’s plenty of space around it. A soft mat or blanket nearby can provide a cushioned landing if your baby rolls off.

  3. Supervise Closely: Always stay close to your baby during gym ball tummy time. Support them with your hands, especially when they’re just starting out.

  4. Start Gently: Begin by placing your baby on the ball, tummy down, and hold them securely around their hips. Start with gentle rocking or bouncing, and monitor their comfort levels.

  5. Incorporate Play: Keep your baby engaged by placing toys in front of them or singing songs. Holding colorful objects at eye level can encourage them to lift their head and explore.

Tips for Success

Short and Sweet: Start with brief sessions, just a few minutes at a time, and gradually increase as your baby becomes more comfortable.

Consistency is Key: Regularly incorporate gym ball tummy time into your daily routine for the best developmental results.

Mix It Up: Combine gym ball sessions with a range of different positions for tummy time - for more information on these, see my Tummy Time Workshop.

Baby and mum playing on a gym ball

Gym balls can make tummy time an exciting part of your baby’s day, adding fun while supporting their physical development. Plus, the smiles and giggles you’ll get in return are priceless!

Next time you’re looking to add a bit of variety to tummy time, consider giving the gym ball a try. Your baby might just reward you with an extra big grin!

I’d love to hear your experiences with gym ball tummy time! Share your tips and stories in the comments below, and let’s support each other on this wonderful parenting journey.

Happy bouncing, everyone!

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