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Tummy Time Tribe

Tummy time is such an crucial part of your baby's development, it provides the foundations needed to sit, crawl, walk and even hold a pen!

These are just a few of the benefits of tummy time:

  • It helps to strengthen their shoulder and upper limbs, developing their shoulder stability in preparation for crawling.

  • It supports development of their visual skills, promoting visual perception, their eye control and their hand-eye coordination.

  • It prevents flat head syndrome.

  • It encourages their spine to develop into the curved ‘S’ shape that we have, as adults.

  • It strengthens their neck and back muscles, therefore improving their head control.

  • It gives you an opportunity to bond with your baby, strengthening your attachment.


Tummy time is much more than laying your baby on their tummy, it's a beautiful opportunity for you to bond and play with your baby, developing not only their muscles, but enabling them to build relationships and connect with people and their environment.


As a fully qualified Tummy Time Practitioner, after completing my training with Occupational Therapist Carly Budd's Developmental Play Academy, I am so passionate about giving parents the knowledge and tools that they need to support their babies when they're on their tummies! You will be able to take what you learn in the session and implement it at home, knowing that you are supporting your baby’s development in a really beneficial way.


I have completed further training and I am also qualified to support tummy time for those little ones with additional needs. If your baby has additional needs and you would like to either join the ‘Tummy Time Tribe’ or have a 1:1 around tummy time, please get in touch and we can discuss how I can support you both. 

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